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Sound Healing

and deep sonic meditation with Xoë Zahara.

lay down,
close your eyes
and enjoy the journey
on this unique sound healing
deep sonic meditation
ride the waves and
return to truth.

the mind. Relax
and unwind, find
inner peace
and clarity.
Return to

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Sound Healing Saturdays

Date :: Every Saturday
Time :: 4pm - 5.15pm
Donation :: 100k
Location :: Karma House
Jalan Raya Penestanan No.8, Ubud, Bali

Drop in, surrender all notions, be here now.
Get comfy.. there will be lush cushioned beds to lie on. (First come first served.. plenty of yoga mats and cushions also).
Bring a blanket and eye mask too if you wish.

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What is sound healing? What am I to expect?

Xoë uses the powerful tools of her voice and quartz crystal singing bowls which have the ability to drop the mind into the theta state. From there, we can access the dreaming and parts of the subconscious mind to reveal deep healing, growth and transformation.
The bowls can also bring the physical body and chakras into a space of healing and alignment.
The power of sound frequency is profound, and like any meditation, can bring any kind of experience that your soul is ready for.
Though it is recommended to have no expectations.. just lay down, close your eyes, surrender to the moment and what is.

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T E S T I M O N I A L S 𓆃

“Xoe’s sound healing helped me learn so much about myself. For a day and a half after the healing session I was extremely emotional, processing all the emotions that came from the session. I was very aware of what I needed to work on to fulfill my life’s journey towards making myself happier as a person, as well as what I should incorporate into my life so that I can start loving myself (which I currently find very difficult but have been working on since the session).
The sound healing brought me through my anxieties of not believing in myself as a good person, through the struggles I find with my inner woman and what it means to be free, and showed me visions of the hawk that seems caged inside of me but is waiting to break free. Though this all seems morbid, I promise you it isn’t. What I’m trying to say, is the healing session showed me the beauty of what it means to let my heart be open. It showed me what it would look like if I just let that beautiful hawk that’s so suffocated inside that tiny cage that lies within, burst out of it and fly away with not a care in the world. It’s head held high as it soars through the sky. Xoe’s healing showed me the bright light that’s so deep rooted inside me, all I have to do is close my eyes to see it.
Her sound healing touched me so deeply, and I will forever be in gratitude for how powerful and beautiful it truly was. She helped guide me to the tools I will put to use so that I may one day be as free as my Self is without the illusions the egos that surround me have taught me. Thank you Xoe, you have a true gift that should be shared with the world.” - Victoria


“As I've never experienced sound healing before I was as well curious as sceptical about it. But working with Xoe has been surprisingly overwhelming and impressive to me. She creates a very positive, comforting and loving environment which makes it easy to let go of all your fears and completely open up to the new experience. She is a breathtaking singer, an amazing musician and a powerful healer.
Her sound healing session was emotionally very intense for me but I felt safe and supported the entire time. I can only recommend working with her as its been a life-changing experience for me.” - Ada


“I had never experienced anything like sound healing before, and Xoe left me feeling like why I hadn’t been doing this years. The sound healing was probably my most memorable and meaningful experience and memory from the retreat. It was other worldly, it connected me in ways I have never felt before and I believe have changed me and has continued to carry out in my life.
A lot came up in ways of feeling released, it was really overwhelming at first but after that nights sleep, my dreams I dreamt and how I felt when I woke up I just couldn’t put in words the way I felt and still feel ~ so much had shifted and I feel so connected to my self.
Thank you for everything Xoe ! Keep sharing your service to the world, the world needs more people like you” - Jax


“This journey was so intense for me at all levels!
It really felt as if Xoe was distilling pure magic through the power of her voice and all the instruments she played during the session.
I opened up so many things like buried feelings that day, and I will never forget it, for sure that was an unique experience.
Im still processing everything!
It was powerful and strong!!
Thank you so so so much!!!! From my heart to yours” - Agustina

February 16

Tantra Meditation

February 17

Hekajio Dance